Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

Insto Moist Atasi Mata Merah

Insto Moist Atasi Mata Merah merupakan sedikit kalimat yang sungguh berarti bagi saya. Mendengar kata Insto sendiri mengingatkan pengalaman di waktu lampau saat masih awal awalnya mengenal internet dan harus begadang setiap hari. Kenangan yang memang menjadi awal saya berteman dengan botol kecil berisi cairan dan sekarang banyak yang menyebut Insto Moist Atasi Mata Merah.Baca selengkapnya »

Sejarah Aliran Musik ‘Gothic’ Metal

ALIRAN musik Gothic sebenarnya pertama kali muncul dari evolusi Punk, dan disebut musik Goth (juga sering disebut Gothic Rock). Musik Gothic berasal dari Inggris, aliran ini dipopulerkan oleh band asal Inggris seperti The Cure, Bauhaus, Fields of Nephilim, dan lainnya, pada awal 80-an. Isi liriknya adalah tentang dark poetry, dunia khayal, romantisme, misteri, kematian, pemberontakan, kehidupan

'Clash of the titans' cerita tentang Perseus

Lama sebelum adanya peradaban manusia, Titanlah yang berkuasa di alam semesta. Mereka akhirnya dijatuhkan oleh anak-anak mereka sendiri yaitu : ZEUS, POSEIDON, dan HADES. Zeus setelah menghasut Hades berhasil mengalahkan para Titan dengan KRAKEN (seekor gurita raksasa). Zeus kemudian menobatkan dirinya sebagai raja dari para dewa, Poseidon sebagai raja laut, sedangkan Hades yang telah dibohongi

Isi pulsa murah elektrik all operator

Cara Isi pulsa murah elektrik all operator yang kepingin blogger sragen infokan ini adalah pengalaman. Dari sekian tahun bergelut dengan pengisian pulsa murah elektrik all operator tersebut akhirnya mendapat kebosenan juga. Hal ini karena pada bisnis ini sekarang sudah tidak menjanjikan lagi, terlebih dengan harga pulsa murah dan persaingan penjual pulsa all operator semakin banyak.Baca

Gothic Metal = Metal Simfonik

MASIH membahas tentang aliran musik ‘Gothic’ Metal. Defenisi musik Gothic Metal sendiri sampai kini masih mengundang perdebatan, karena gaya komposisi dan estetika musik yang dibawakan begitu beragam. Yang jelas dalam gothic metal, virtuositas pribadi personil ditinggalkan, dan lebih mengutamakan harmoni sebagai konsep utama.Penampilan dua vokalis dengan tekstur suara yang berbeda kontras (banyak

Jual Minyak Angin Safe Care Aromatherapy

Minyak Angin Aromatherapy Safe Care Roll On - Minyak Angin Safe Care Aromatherapy ini berkhasiat sebagai aromatherapy yang memberikan rasa dingin, menyegarkan untuk meringankan pusing, perut kembung, masuk angin, mabuk perjalanan dan mencegah gejala flu serta sebagai aromatherapy.Minyak Angin Aromatherapy Safe Care Roll On - Khasiatnya mantap tapi wanginya segar. Dikemas dalam botol kecil dengan

Choosing a Garden that is Perfect for You

Choosing a Garden that is Perfect for You

If you're thinking about starting a garden, the first thing you need to
consider is what type of garden you will have. There are many different
choices and often it can be hard to pick just one, but hopefully you can
narrow it down. But by narrowing it down, you'll make the gardening
experience easier on yourself and the plants. If all your plants are

Tempat Panti Pijat di Banjarmasin Kalimantan Selatan (Plus Plus?)

Beberapa malam yang lalu saya menyaksikan acara di Tv one yang berjudul Jejak Malam. Di acara jejak malam tersebut membahas mengenai panti pijat atau relaksasi. Panti pijat tersebut ternyata hanya kedok untuk beberapa tempat. Bukan hanya pijat yang mereka dapatkan tapi juga layanan plus luar dalam.Dengan bermodalkan uang berkisar antara 100-300 ribu rupiah para pria pencari nikmat bisa

Choosing and Planting Perennials

Choosing and Planting Perennials

If you’ve been growing a vegetable garden for a while, you might be feeling slightly disgruntled at how plain it is to look at. I too began my gardening career with a vegetable garden, but I decided that it wasn’t quite as pleasing to look at as I would have liked. I heard from a friend that the use of perennial flowers could be a great way to liven up my garden

Cara Membuat Slip Gaji

Cara membuat slip gajihTips membuat slip gajih Suatu saat anda mungkin memerlukan slip gajih untuk beberapa keperluan diantaranya untuk kredit sepeda motor.Cara membuat slip gajih cukup mudah yaitu dengan cara membuat tulisan nama anda, alamat anda , tempat anda bekerja, berapa gajih anda dan nama bos anda.Jangan lupa sertakan tanda tangan bos anda ataupun stempel toko tempat anda bekerja (

Senin, 30 Mei 2011

Kontroversi Kematian Jim Morrison, Dari Nol Kembali Ke Nol Bagian 4 : Kembali Ke Nol

Sambungan dari Kontroversi Kematian Jim Morisson, Dari Nol Kembali Ke Nol : Bagian IIISaya menerima telepon dari orang yang suka bersikap seolah-olah ia adalah manajer kami. Sebetulnya ia hanyalah seorang roadie yang kemudian kami promosikan untuk menjadi penjaga telepon, namun hal ini membuatnya besar kepala. Ia menjadi arogan. Ia bersikap ngebos terhadap para promotor pertunjukan ataupun para

Kontroversi Kematian Jim Morrison Dari Nol Kembali Ke Nol (Bagian 3) : Telepon Dari Paris

Sambungan dari Kontroversi Kematian Jim Morisson, Dari Nol Kembali Ke Nol : Bagian IIKepergian Jim Morrison ke Paris menimbulkan perasaan aneh. Setelah kami meluncurkan album L.A. WOMAN  album kami yang keenam dalam rentang waktu empat tahun, dan ditambah album Absolutely Live maka jumlah album yang kami hasilkan menjadi tujuh. Tujuh, adalah jumlah anak tangga untuk mencapai surga. Tujuh juga

Kontroversi Kematian Jim Morrison, Dari Nol Kembali Ke Nol ( Bagian 2) : Menjemput Kematian

Sambungan dari Kontroversi Kematian Jim Morisson, Dari Nol Kembali Ke Nol : Bagian ITerakhir saya bertemu Jim Morrison adalah pada musim gugur 1971 , di studio rekaman-yang terletak di 8512 Santa Monica Boulevard, pojokan La Canega dan Santa Monica. Tempat ini tadinya merupakan kantor sekaligus tempat workshop untuk The Doors, tapi telah kami ubah menjadi studio rekaman untuk penggarapan album L

Kontroversi Kematian Jim Morrison : Dari Nol Kembali Ke Nol (Bagian 1)

Kematian vocalis the Doors, pada tanggal 3 Juli 1971 di Paris tetap jadi kontroversi hingga sekarang. Bunuh diri, over dosis, dibunuh oleh CIA atau sebab-sebab lain. Saya memperoleh buku tentang The Doors, berjudul LIGHT MY FIRE, MY LIFE WITH THE DOORS yang ditulis oleh RAY MANZAREK, pemain keyboard, sekaligus arsitek musik The Doors. Pada bab pertama, dari buku yang terdiri dari 20 bab ini

Mencari Muara Ajaran Syekh Siti Jenar

Syekh Siti Jenar (SSJ) adalah nama yang tak pernah lekang. Ungkapan itu tidaklah berlebihan, apabila kita mau mencari buku-buku, maupun babad yang pernah diterbitkan. Kepopuleran SSJ di masyarakat setingkat dengan kepopuleran Wali Songo, hanya saja ajaran SSJ dianggap ‘sesat’ lantaran ajaran ‘Manunggaling Kawula Gusti’ (MKG) atau dalam bahasa Arabnya Wahdatul Wujudnya telah melawan syariat

Hubungan Agama Dan Ilmu Menurut Einstein

Selama abad yang lalu, dan sebagian abad sebelumnya, tersebar luas pandangan bahwa ada pertentangan yang tidak dapat didamaikan antara ilmu dan agama. Pandangan yang dianut oleh tokoh zaman itu adalah bahwa sudah saatnya iman digantikan oleh pengetahuan. Iman yang tidak bersandar pada pengetahuan adalah takhayul, dan karenanya harus ditolak. Menurut konsepsi ini, fungsi satu-satunya pendidikan

Ideologi Politik dan Filsafat Demokrasi

Berbicara tentang ideologi politik, terdapat satu pendapat tentang adaya reduksionisme ideologis oleh Germindo dalam Varma (2002: 116). Diantara sebab-sebab utama, Germino menunjuk pada reduksionisme ideologis dari Tracy, Comte dan Marx dalam Varma (2002: 116) sebagai penyebab terpenting munculnya pemikiran tentang reduksionisme yang berkembang hingga saat ini. Tracy merupakan orang pertama yang

Rahsia Mengenal Wanita Dari Cara Berjalan

1. Jika berjalan, dari belakang kelihatan seperti tidak memijak tanah. Golongan wanita yang jalannya berginjat, konon wanita ini adalah wanita yang tidak jujur, kalau berbual, mulutnya laser dan menyinggung perasaan orang lain. Wanita yang berjalan seperti ini juga terkenal dengan sikap egonya. Lebih parah, wanita ini biasanya pemboros atau suka membazir wang tanpa berfikir sebelum

Strategi mendapatkan Wanita (cewek) Pujaan/bikin cewek suka sama cowok (pria)

MENDEKATI wanita ada seninya. Meski wanita punya karakter berbeda, setidaknya ada trik mendasar untuk sukses flirting dengannya. Berikut beberapa cara mendekati wanita dan mengajaknya terlibat percakapan tanpa takut reaksi penolakan, seperti dikutip Askmen.Memberi penilaian provokatifSelain “senyuman mata”, penilaian provokatif lebih dari sekadar senyuman untuk mengomunikasikan perasaan Anda

20 Tanda Wanita Telah Mengalami Kekerasan Dalam Hubungan Asmara

hubungan asmara yang disertai tindak kekerasan seringkali tak terlihat, karena biasanya tidak langsung melibatkan kekerasan fisik. Karena itu, para korban sering tak menyadarinya. Namun, Anda perlu waspada bila tanda-tanda ini muncul dalam hubungan asmara Anda.1. Tak mampu memutuskan hubunganMeski sadar telah terjebak dalam hubungan asmara yang menyengsarakan, Anda tak mampu memutuskan

Kerja di Luar Jam Kantor Bikin Wanita Merasa Bersalah

Di zaman supersibuk seperti sekarang, pekerjaan dengan jam kerja yang standar (08.00-17.00) seakan tak lagi cukup. Telepon, fax, e-mail, pesan singkat, semua masih saja menghantui dan mengejar Anda setelah jam kerja resmi berakhir. Dibandingkan dengan pria, wanita lebih mudah merasa bersalah karena menerima komunikasi yang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan di luar waktu kerja resmi, apalagi

6 Bekal Berinternet Bagi Remaja

Pengguna internet sebagian besar disesaki oleh para remaja. Anak muda di kisaran umur belasan tahun ini begitu mudah mengasup teknologi baru. Namun kadang kala, rasa keingintahuan remaja yang begitu besar dapat menjadi bumerang. Berikut 6 kiat untuk membekali para remaja agar aman ketika berinternet ria :1. Identitas PalsuJangan percaya seluruhnya dengan apa yang kamu temui di internet.

Kapal Pesiar Bertenaga Surya Terbesar di Bumi

Kapal Pesiar Bertenaga Surya Terbesar di Bumi  Kapal ini adalah kapal pesiar bertenaga surya terbesar di dunia. Kapal itu, kini tengah berkeliling dunia untuk memecahkan rekor sekaligus mengkampanyekan penggunaan energi terbarukan.Nama kapal itu Tûranor PlanetSolar, diambil dari novel JRR Tolkien Lord of the Rings, yang artinya adalah 'tenaga Matahari'.Seperti dilansir dari situs DailyMail,

25 Ciri-Ciri Cewek Matre

25 Ciri-Ciri Cewek Matre Ciri-ciri cewek matre alias materialistis alias mata duitan. Cewek matre.., cewe matre.., ke laut aje..!!! Itulah cemoohan yang dilontarkan untuk cewek cewek matre sebagai tanda bahwa cewek matre tidak disukai. Makanya dibuang ke laut aje..! He He. Terus apa dong ciri ciri cewek matre itu? Oke, sebelumnya kita harus tahu dulu definisi cewek matre yang sedang kita

3 Cara Sukses Menjadi Playboy Sejati

3 Cara Sukses Menjadi Playboy Sejati Tips jadi cowok playboy atau cara jadi cowok playboy. Selamat membaca semoga menjadi referensi dan inspirasi untuk menjalani hidup.. heheDalam menyalurkan perasaan melalui pandangan harus disesuaikan dengan wajah kita dan cewek yang hendak ditaklukkan. Ada 3 macam jenis pandangan untuk menjadi playboy sejati. Pandangan innocent, romance dan garang.

4 Cara Menguji Kesetiaan Pasangan

4 Cara Menguji Kesetiaan Pasangan Bagaimana cara menguji kesetiaan pasangan? Sebagian orang berpendapat bahwa menguji kesetiaan pasangan atau pacar adalah hal yang bodoh. Ujian terhadap kesetiaan bukan semata-mata timbul dari rasa ketidakpercayaan terhadap pasangan, justru untuk meyakinkan diri kita bahwa pacar kita memang layak dipercaya. So, nggak ada salahnya kan menguji

Makanan Untuk Menurunkan Tekanan Darah

Makanan Untuk Menurunkan Tekanan DarahJika anda didiagnosa dengan tekanan darah tinggi, dokter anda kemungkinan sudah memberitahu anda dasar-dasar mengendalikan tekanan darah. Mulai dari menjaga berat badan yang sehat, menurunkan kolesterol lahat LDL jika tinggi, membatasi garam dalam makanan, olahraga, dan memasukkan kalsium, vitamin D, magnesium, dan potassium ked lam diet anda. Menurut Joe


Penyakit hipertensi atau darah tinggi merupakan suatu keadaan, di mana tekanan darah seseorang berada pada tingkat di atas normal. Tekanan darah sistolik normal adalah 120-140 mm Hg. Sementara tekanan darah diastolic normal adalah 85-90 mm Hg. Penyakit darah tinggi bisa di sebabkan oleh berbagi faktor yang berhubungan dengan gaya hidup, seperti diet yang buruk, merokok, kurang olahraga, dan

Tekanan Darah

Tekanan Darah Sebelum membahas mengenai tekanan darah tinggi atau hipertensi, ada baiknya Anda mengenal terlebih dahulu tentang tekanan darah. Saat Anda melakukan pemeriksaan fisik atau pemeriksaan klinis ke dokter, biasanya ada alat khusus yang digunakan oleh dokter untuk memeriksa tekanan darah. Alat untuk memeriksa tekanan darah disebut sphigmomanometer atau dikenal juga dengan tensimeter.

Video Mesum Beredar di Bitung

Video Mesum Beredar di Bitung | No Link Download - Weleh..weleh, video mesum maning. Seolah tiada habisnya. Kali ini giliran video mesum di Bitung, Sulawesi Utara, yang beredar luas. Pihak Polresta Bitung yang sudah mengantongi identitas pelaku langsung mengamankan sepasang pemeran adegan syur itu. Adegan diperankan sepasang muda-mudi warga Kelurahan Kakenturan, Kecamatan Aertembaga,


INFO TERKINI STATUS GUNUNG DIENG SIAGA Gas CO2 Gunung Dieng Makin Meningkat Siap Meletus 2011Info Terkini Status Gunung Dieng Siaga 2011. Bila Gas CO2 Gunung Dieng Terus Meningkat Diramalkan Dieng Siap Meletus. Berita Terbaru 2011 Jawa Tengah, Banjarnegara - Setelah ditetapkan menjadi status siaga, Gunung Dieng yang berada di Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah terus megeluarkan gas CO2 dari Kawah

Yingluck Shinawatra, Wanita Cantik Calon Perdana Menteri Thailand

Bulan depan Thailand menghelat pemilu. Yang menarik dari pemilu kali ini adalah sosok Yingluck Shinawatra, yang tak lain adik kandung mantan Perdana Menteri (PM) Thaksin Shinawatra. Jika partainya menang, dia akan menjadi PM perempuan pertama di negeri Gajah Putih itu. Sabtu lalu adalah kampanye pertamanya di Bangkok. Pertengahan Mei lalu Yingluck dinyatakan sebagai kandidat nomor satu PTP.

Misteri Supersemar: Benarkah Soekarno Ditodong Untuk Tanda Tangan?

Pintu kamar Bung Karno diketuk pengawal. Ada  perwira Angkatan Darat yang ingin bertemu presiden. Mereka diutus oleh Suharto. Ada map merah muda di tangan salah seorang jendral. Di dalamnya berisi naskah yang mesti ditandatangani Sukarno.Naskah itu tidak segera ditandatangani Sukarno. Dia sempat bertanya tentang mengapa kop surat itu dari Markas Besar Angkatan Darat. Seharusnya Surat

Fenomena Deja Vu yang misterius

Pernahkan anda mengunjungi sebuah rumah untuk pertama kalinya dan tiba-tiba anda merasa familiar dengan rumah tersebut ? Atau pernahkah anda berada dalam suatu peristiwa ketika tiba-tiba anda merasa bahwa anda sudah mengalaminya walaupun anda tidak dapat mengingat kapan terjadinya ? itulah deja vu, salah satu fenomena misterius dalam kehidupan manusia.“Om, saya merasakan bahwa saya pernah

Kode Da Vinci

Jacques Sauniere, seorang kurator yang dihormati dari musium Louvre di Paris, telah dibunuh oleh seorang biarawan Opus Dei yang bernama Silas yang mengikuti perintah dari seorang pemimpin tak dikenal yang dipanggil dengan sebutan "Guru". Robert Langdon, pakar simbologi Harvard ikut terlibat dalam penyelidikan ketika penyidik utama Bezu Fache menemukan pesan rahasia di dekat mayat Sauniere yang

Agama dan Rokok

Ada suatu paradoks yang terjadi di masyarakat Indonesia yang bermayoritas Islam bahwa antara nilai-nilai etika kehidupan yang terkandung dalam Islam dan tindakan-tindakan sosial masyarakat Indonesia yang tercemin dalam etos, masih menunjukan hubungan kontradiktif. Realitas sosial memperlihatkan bahwa masyarakat Indonesia lebih cenderung mencirikan sikap perilaku yang malas, kurang cerdas, dan

Khilafah vs Demokrasi

Sejak keruntuhan Khilafah pada 28 Rajab 1342 H, 89 tahun lalu, bisa disebut hampir sebagian besar Dunia Islam mengadopsi sistem demokrasi. Harapannya, sistem demokrasi akan membuat Dunia Islam lebih baik, ternyata tidak. Dunia Islam tetap saja mengidap berbagai persoalan yang akut seperti kemiskinan, kebodohan, pembantaian dan konflik yang berkepanjangan.Di sisi lain, arus besar untuk kembali ke

7 Hal yang Layak Dibayar Lebih Mahal

Kita memang selalu diingatkan untuk mengeluarkan uang hanya buat sesuatu yang kita butuhkan, bukan yang kita inginkan. Namun, kadang ada hal-hal yang layak didapatkan meskipun kita harus mengeluarkan uang lebih banyak daripada biasanya. Ingin tahu beberapa di antaranya?PelayananSebagai pelanggan, Anda tentu sering menyampaikan komplain kepada perusahaan atas produk yang Anda beli, misalnya karena

Daftar Isi Postingan

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Blogilicious Horas Medan

Blogilicious Horas Medan merupakan gelaran acara selanjutnya dari IDblogilicious / IDblognetwork setelah dari kota Makassar dan Surabaya. Pelakaksanaan Blogilicious Horas Medan ini bertempat di Food Court Mall Grand Palladium wilayah Medan pada tanggal 28-29 May 2011. Blogilicious Horas Medan kelihatannya cukup meriah karena tempatnya agak berbeda di banding acara blogilicious sebelumnya.Baca

Misteri SegiTiga Bermuda Indonesia Yang Menyeramkan

Dua kecelakaan lalulintas pada awal tahun 2007 sangat memperihatinkan. Yang pertama kecelakaan lalulintas laut yang menimpa kapal laut Senopati Nusantara, yang kedua kecelakaan Pesawat Adam Air. Keduanya diduga terjadi pada waktu yang berdekatan di kawasan yang sama berdekatan juga di laut Utara Jawa, dan yang satu di seputar Masalembo. Duapuluh enam tahun yang lalu KM Tampomas II

Ilmuwan Temukan Exoplanet Layak Huni

Sebuah planet yang berjarak sekitar 20 tahun cahaya di luar tata surya kita untuk pertama kalinya secara resmi dinyatakan layak dihuni oleh sejumlah ilmuwan. Exoplanet Gliese 581d ini memiliki kondisi yang dapat mendukung kehidupan seperti Bumi, termasuk adanya samudera dan memunginkan terjadinya curah hujan. Awalnya, setiap pendaratan para voyager pada masa mendatang, diperkirakan

Sains, Agama dan Stephen Hawking

Pertama yang harus diperhatikan disini adalah, siapa sih Tuhan? Tanpa jelas apa itu Tuhan, maka kita membicarakan sesuatu yang bisa saja berbeda. Sebagai contoh, Paijo mengatakan kalau kita ia tinggal di Bandung. Temannya, Poniran,  memprotes karena ia tidak tinggal di Bandung. Tapi jelas Paijo benar, karena yang dimaksud Bandung oleh Paijo adalah rumah kapal di sungai Kapuas,

Fenomena Pareidolia

Anda pernah melihat hantu? Wajah di langit? Piring terbang? Atau apapun yang sepertinya merupakan hal gaib? Bila benar, kemungkinan hal-hal seperti itu adalah memang hal gaib adanya, atau hanya sebuah fenomena Pareidolia.Pareidolia, apa itu?Pareidolia adalah suatu fenomena psikologis dimana otak mempersepsikan apa yang sedang kita saksikan dengan apa yang pernah kita lihat / alami

Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

Stephen Hawking Beranggapan Surga Itu Hanya Cerita Bohong

Siapa yang tidak mengenal nama Stephen Hawking, ia adalah seorang kosmolog dan ahli fisika terkenal asal Inggris. Dalam sebuah wawancara dengan The Guardian, Stephen Hawking mengatakan bahwa Surga itu tidak ada, atau hanya cerita bohong, ia dengan tegas menepis keberadaan Surga seperti yang diungkap dalam setiap ajaran Agama yang kita ketahui.Stephen Hawking mengatakan kepercayaan


Bahasa Inggris membedakan secara jelas penggunaan crazy dan insane meskipun dua kata tersebut adalah sinonim. Tapi bahasa Indonesia dan apalagi bahasa Jawa, banyak kata sinonim yang penggunaannya suka tidak dibedakan. Bahasa Jawa misalnya menggunakan kata “edan” untuk menekankan kegilaan atau kenekatan. Kenthir adalah kosa kata bahasa Jawa, dalam banyak penggunaannya lebih banyak untuk

Gempa Lampung 2011 6,3SR Bahaya Sunami Terbaru

Gempa Lampung 2011 6,3SR Bahaya Sunami Terbaru. Pasca Gempa Lampung 6,3SR Gelombang Tsunami Bikin Resah Warga. BANDAR LAMPUNG – Gempa bumi 6,3 Skala Richter (SR) pada Ahad (29/5) dini hari, memaksa warga Krui, Kabupaten Lampung Barat, terpaksa menggelar tikar untuk tidur di jalan hingga pagi. Warga pesisir barat—berjarak 260 kilometer dari ibukota Provinsi Lampung—ini, khawatir terjadi gempa

Agnes Monica Dikabarkan Meninggal

Agnes Monica Dikabarkan Meninggal - Heboh. Agnes Monica dikabarkan meninggal. Kabar itu beredar di Twitter. Sebuah blog menulis Agnes telah meninggal pada 28 Mei pukul 11.00 WIB. Tentu saja kabar tersebut tidak benar sama sekali. Sejak beberapa hari lalu Agnes memang harus menjalani perawatan di rumah sakit. Agnes dirawat karena mengalami cidera punggung ketika sedang berlatih. Namun kabar

Hasil GP Monako 2011 | Vettel Juara GP Formula 1 Monaco

Hasil GP Monako 2011 | Vettel Juara GP Formula 1 Monaco - Superioritas Sebastian Vettel berlanjut. Pada GP Monako 2011, pembalap Red Bull itu meraih juara. Menyusul di belakangnya: Fernando Alonso dan Jenson Button.Pada balapan di Sirkuit jalan raya Monte Carlo, Minggu (29/5/2011), itu Vettel yang start dari posisi terdepan mengakhiri lomba dengan catatan waktu terbaik 2 jam 9 menit 38,373

Hasil Skor Arema vs Deltras 29 Mei 2011 | Pertandingan ISL

Hasil Skor Arema vs Deltras 29 Mei 2011 | Pertandingan ISL - Arema FC perkasa. Menjamu Deltras Sidoarjo di Stadion Kanjuruhan, Minggu 29 Mei 2011, Singo Edan menang 3-0. Hasil ini membuat Arema menggeser posisi Persisam Samarinda di posisi empat Liga Super Indonesia (ISL).Arema ini mengemas poin 40 dari 24 pertandingan. Sedangkan Deltras terpaku di posisi 14 dengan 25 poin.Menjamu Deltras di

PSM Makassar Bakal Rekrut Mantan Bintang Juventus Edgar Davids

Wow, PSM Makassar Bakal Rekrut Mantan Bintang Juventus Edgar Davids main di PSM Makasar - Kekuatan PSM Makassar bakal menakutkan. Itu seiring rencana manajemen merekrut lima pemain baru. Salah satu pemain yang diincar adalah Edgar Davids, mantan bintang Juventus. Davids juga pernah membela Ajax Amsterdam, Inter Milan, AC Milan, dan Tottenham Hotspur. Selain Davids, PSM juga mengincar Nicky

Link Sobat Terlambat menawarkan untuk saling bertukar Link. Caranya ialah dengan meletakkan link di blog sobat lalu memberitahukan aku lewat kolom komentar dibawah ini.Tuker link ada dua jenis, tampil di sidebar (setiap halaman) atau ditaruh lewat postingan ini. Tergantung penempatan linknya terlambat di blog sobat. Jika ditaruh di dalam post juga aku taruh di dalam post.Jika ditaruh di

Nexian Journey A890 Harga Spesifikasi

Ponsel Nexian Journey NX A890 menggunakan jaringan Quad Band GSM (850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900MHz). hp Nexian Journey NX A890 mempunyai ukuran 1,26 cm (11,4x5,68 cm) dan berat 89 g. Untuk layar, ponsel Nexian Journey NX A890 ini memakai tipe TFT Capasitive touchscreen 262.144 warna. dengan ukuran 480x320 piksel, 3,2 inci. Disisi suara, ponsel Nexian Journey NX A890 ini sudah diberikan konektor output

kabupaten sragen

Kabupaten Sragen, merupakan sebuah kabupaten di Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Ibukotanya terletak di kota Sragen. Posisi Kabupaten Sragen itu sekitar 30 km disebelah timurnya Kota Surakarta. Kabupaten Sragen berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Grobogan untuk sebelah utara dan untuk di sebelah timur berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Ngawi (Jawa Timur). Di sebelah selatan Kabupaten Sragen berbatasan dengan Kabupaten

Harga IMO B199 Spesifikasi

Ponsel IMO B199 menggunakan jaringan Dual On GSM 900/1800 MHz. hp IMO B199 mempunyai ukuran 1,29 cm dan berat 85 gr. Untuk layar, ponsel IMO B199 ini memakai tipe TFT 176 x 220 piksel dengan ukuran 2 inci dan juga ponsel IMO B199 ini mendukung speakerphone. Baca selengkapnya »

Agnostik Menurut Bertrand Russell

Tidak. Seorang atheis, seperti halnya penganut Kristiani, mempercayai bahwa ia dapat mengetahui ada atau tidak adanya Tuhan. Penganut Kristiani mengatakan bahwa ia dapat mengetahui Tuhan itu ada; kaum atheis menyatakan bahwa kita dapat mengetahui Tuhan itu tidak ada. Orang agnostik menunda pengambilan keputusan, dengan menyatakan bahwa tidak cukup bukti untuk menegaskan atau menolak

Agnostikkah Diri Ini?

Keyakinan adalah gaya hidup. Dahulu kala, memeluk agama Kristen atau Islam adalah sebuah tindakan sosial yang rasional. Karena menjadi Kristen atau Islam selalu terkait dengan struktur sosial (siapa kaya, siapa berkuasa) pada suatu masyarakat/zaman tertentu. Kita tahu kedua agama tersebut pernah jaya pada suatu masa di bumi ini. Kristen dan Islam “menggoda” karena ada kuasa politik dan

HTC DROID Incredible 2 Spesifikasi

HTC DROID Incredible 2 bekerja pada jaringan 2G seperti cdma 800 / 1900, GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 dan juga bekerja pada jaringan 3G seperti cdma2000 1xev-do , HSDPA 900 / 2100 . Ponsel HTC DROID Incredible 2 ini diumumkan pada bulan April tahun 2011 dan sudah tersedia serta dirilis pada bulan April tahun 2011Baca selengkapnya »

Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

Teori Big Bang Diragukan

Apa yang bakal terjadi jika teori Big Bang itu ternyata salah” Bagaimana jika ternyata semesta tidak pernah memiliki awal dan akhir” Dua ahli fisika, yakni Paul Steinhardt dari Princeton University dan Neil Turok dari Cambridge University memunculkan pertanyaan ini lewat konsep baru yang mereka tawarkan. Teori Big Bang, selama beberapa dekade, dipercaya memberikan penjelasan paling

Perdebatan Teori Darwin Dan Einstein

Awal abad ke-21 ini, terdapat dua tahun peringatan yang penting, yaitu 2005 dan 2009. 2005 merupakan peringatan 100 tahun Einstein menemukan teori Relativitas, dan untuk memperingati fisikawan besar ini, tahun tersebut ditetapkan sebagai “Tahun Fisika Internasional”. Sedang 2009 merupakan 150 tahun Darwin mengumumkan teori Evolusi, terdapat juga sejumlah kegiatan peringatan di berbagai

Biografi Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking lahir pada 8 Januari 1942 dari pasangan Dr. Frank Hawking, seorang biolog, dan Isobel Hawking. Ia memiliki dua saudara kandung, yaitu Philippa dan Mary, dan saudara adopsi, Edward.Orang tua Hawking tinggal di North London dan pindah ke Oxford ketika ibu Hawking sedang mengandung dirinya untuk mencari tempat yang lebih aman. (London saat itu berada dibawah serangan

The Darwin Compendium

Charles Darwin (1809-1882) tak hanya menulis “The Origin of Species” (1859). Ada empat buku lainnya yang berhubungan yang tak terlalu banyak dibicarakan orang tetapi sangat penting kalau mau mempelajari teori evolusi Darwin secara utuh. Untuk menemukan kelima buku Darwin itu tidak mudah, tetapi penerbit Amerika Barnes and Noble mengumpulkannya ke dalam satu buku yang diberi judul “The

Video Mesum Pelajar SMK dan Mahasiswa Pacitan Beredar

Video Mesum Pelajar SMK dan Mahasiswa Pacitan Beredar | No Link Download - Lagi-lagi video mesum pelajar. Kali ini sepasang kekasih di Pacitan nekat mengabadikan adegan syur saat bercinta. Celakanya, video itu jatuh ke tangan orang lain dan sempat menyebar melalui HP.Tindakan asusila itu diduga melibatkan dua remaja. Masing-masing pelaku pria berinisial WR (23) yang berstatus mahasiswa

VIDEO MU VS BARCELONA 1-3 (YOUTUBE) Hasil Final Liga Champions 2011 Barcelona Juara UEFA Champions League

VIDEO MU VS BARCELONA 1-3 (YOUTUBE) Hasil Final Liga Champions 2011 Barcelona Juara UEFA Champions LeagueVideo Youtube Manchester United MU VS Barcelona 1-3 (Youtube) Hasil Final Liga Champions 2011. Akhirnya Barcelona Juara UEFA Champions League 2011 mengalahkan Setan Merah. Stadium Wembley, London - Barcelona keluar sebagai juara Liga Champions. Mereka tampil dominan. Manchester United pun

Sekolah Laskar Pelangi

Sekolah Laskar Pelangi lagi lagi kita menemukan satu wajah yang seharusnya bisa menampar mereka yang merasa berpendidikan. Telah banyak tamparan tapi tidak berasa juga. Potret pendidikan di negara kaya tapi miskin ini kembali membuat iba, bagaimana tidak belajar di sekolah sama saja sekolah di "kandang sapi".Baca selengkapnya »

Create a Bad word filter in Blogger comment

In your blog ,have you ever seen the bad word in comments ? Does it get annoyed other readers ? If the answer is yes ,you may need this one . I created a script for filtering bad word in comments .You just need to make a list of bad words ,and all the words in this list will be replaced with * How we do that ?1,Go to Blogger Dashboard -> Design ->Edit HTML .Checked on Expand wiget templates .

WOW!! Wanita Ini Masturbasi 47 Kali Sehari !

 Catarina Bezerra Silvares, 36 tahun, menderita ganguan hormon yang membuatnya menjadi hiperseks. Bayangkan, dalam sehari akuntan Vila Velha in the State of Espírito Santo ini bisa ketagihan masturbasi sampai 47 kali, termasuk saat dirinya bekerja di kantor.Hasrat seksualnya itu datang begitu saja. Jika tidak tersalurkan, Bezerra mengaku tidak bisa konsentrasi. "Ini memang tak

Harga Mito 611 Ponsel Tiga Kamera

Harga Mito 611 - Banyaknya ponsel lokal yang hadir pasaran tidak ayal membikin peta persaingan ponsel yang berasal Cina tersebut makin ketat. Jadinya, tidak sebatas strategi pemasaran yang mesti jitu, namun juga inovasi produk yang ditawarkan. Salah satunya yaitu ponsel keluaran Mito, yang diberinama dengan Mito 611. Sebelumnya, Mito Mobile tersebut banyak meluncurkan ponsel dengan bintang iklan

Nokia Gunakan WP 71 Mango Windows Phone

Nokia akan manfaatkan WP 7.1 Mango buat Ponsel Windows Phone Pertamanya. Sejalan diumumkannya edisi update dari OS Windows Phone 7, yang dikenal dengan nama WP 7.1 a.k.a Mango, Nokia memublikasikan kepada khalayak bahwa pihaknya akan memasukkan sistem operasi paling baru tersebut buat ponsel Windows Phone-nya nanti.Baca selengkapnya »

Wow, Anang Hadiahi Ashanty Mobil Mewah

Hubungan Anang Hermansyah dengan teman duet sekaligus kekasihnya, Ashanty, semakin lengket. Dua hari setelah Ashanty menyatakan ingin mobil, Anang membelikannya mobil mewah. "Senang dibelikan mobil. Kaget juga soalnya kemarin itu cuma rencana-rencana saja, cuma lihat-lihat saja," tutur Ashanty yang diwawancara

Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

What to Look for when Buying a Tree

What to Look for when Buying a Tree

Although the process of growing and caring for a tree is generally
challenging and even difficult at times, sometimes one of the hardest
parts is choosing which kind you want. You have to choose between the many
sizes, fruit, and other attributes. The different sizes include: dwarf,
semi-dwarf, and standard. Your choice can affect everything about your

The Many Types of Cherry Trees

The Many Types of Cherry Trees

One of the most pleasant trees you can possibly maintain is a cherry tree. The word Cherry is derived from the name of an ancient city in Turkey. It describes both the tree and the fruit it produces. A cherry fruit is classified as a “drupe”. In the center it has a single hard core that holds the seed. The outside of the fruit is smooth and might have a small

Training Branches to go where You Want

Training Branches to go where You Want

Many people associate pruning with changing the structure of your tree to fit a different shape or style. However, this is not the case. Altering the structure of the tree is known as “Tree Training”. This is a much better way to develop an alternate form for your tree. Pruning should be used to prevent diseases, prevent lopsidedness, and encourage

Staking a Young Tree

Staking a Young Tree

When a tree is in the young stages, one of the most vital things you need to provide for it in addition to water and nutrients is support. If you don’t hold up the tree somehow, it might end up bending in a certain direction and growing extremely crooked for the rest of its life. So no matter what, you should always have some kind of support.

The most popular method of

Starting an Orchard

Starting an Orchard

If you have a large amount of land that you have not put to use, you may consider planting an orchard. If you’ve had previous experiences with planting and maintaining trees, that is an added reason why you would be perfect for maintaining an orchard. It might seem like an overwhelming thing to undertake, but it is actually fairly simple. All it takes is some commitment.


Removing Old Trees

Removing Old Trees

Sometimes a tree gets to the point where it is necessary to say goodbye to it. It can be a painful choice to make, but sometimes the tree gets too close to the house, gets too diseased, gets an incurable infestation of some pest, or grows too tall and gets close to a power line. If any of these things occur, its best to do the right thing and get rid of the tree. Although you

Selling at Farmer's Markets

Selling at Farmer's Markets

Usually the main motivation for planting a fruit tree is just the joy of maintaining a tree and eating the delicious fruit that comes from it. However, in my personal experience it is possible to go on a quite lucrative venture with fruit trees by operating a fruit stand or participating in a farmer’s market.

When I moved to Florida, I was slightly depressed at the

Shaping Trees for Different Situations

Shaping Trees for Different Situations

Through the use of pruning techniques, it is possible to shape your tree to a certain style. There are seven main tree shapes that all have their own benefits for certain situations. During the growth of the tree, simply cut off the unneeded branches, tie the wanted branches into the proper shape, and you will be able to shape it however you want. However,

Pruning Your Trees

Pruning Your Trees

If you have just entered the tree growing world, you have no doubt heard the term “pruning” tossed around by the more veteran growers. Well, I have something to admit. For several years, I did not even know what pruning was. I heard the term a lot, but I never felt comfortable asking someone what exactly it was. Even though it would have benefited my gardening and tree growing

Planting and Caring for a New Tree

Planting and Caring for a New Tree

When you have decided on which kind of fruit tree you would like, and
where you would like it, you can finally start to plant it. If you buy
your tree from a nursery, be especially careful when you are taking it
from the nursery to your house. I once had a friend who put the tree in
the back of his truck, but clipped a sign on the way home. The entire tree

Preventing Diseases in Fruit Trees

Preventing Diseases in Fruit Trees

If you maintain any pitted fruit trees such as plums, peaches, or cherries, I’m sure you know that those types of trees are much more susceptible to diseases than any other type. While the fruits are delicious, it can be rather hard to live with all of the maladies that can plague the life of everyone who has ever grown one of those types of fruit trees.


Protecting Trees with Bird Netting

Protecting Trees with Bird Netting

If you have a problem with birds, you have probably tried many solutions. Some of the most popular include plastic animals, scarecrows, wind chimes, or highly reflective tape. All of these things can do a great job of reducing bird problems. I have quite a few cherry trees in my backyard, and I used to struggle a lot with birds. After I applied all of these

My First Tree

My First Tree

Almost everyone’s first tree experience has some embarrassing events. Nobody can be an expert right away; we all make mistakes that sometimes haunt us for years afterwards. Some of us make worse mistakes than others, though. I think that if there was an award for being the most naïve person to ever attempt growing a tree, I would win.

When I decided to plant a tree of my own, I

Picking the Ideal Spot for your Fruit Tree

Picking the Ideal Spot for your Fruit Tree

When growing a fruit tree, choosing the right place to plant it is very important. One thing that you have to consider is its proximity to a building, electric line, side walk, or any other thing that might disrupt its growing. Once you have planted a fruit tree, the chances of unearthing it and changing its spot without killing it are very slim.

Picking the Right Orange Tree

Picking the Right Orange Tree

If you live in a hot, humid sub-tropical zone like Florida or California, you have many options for growing fruit trees. You are lucky enough to be able to support almost any type of plant as long as you prevent pests from taking over. You should consider growing an orange tree, as these are usually easy to maintain and produce some of the most delicious fruits. The

Maintaining a Healthy Young Tree

Maintaining a Healthy Young Tree

Making sure that your fruit tree stays healthy is very important, but not as hard as some might think. There are several vital things you need to do: don't harvest all of the fruit on the tree at the same time; make sure the soil is healthy; watch out for pests; plant it correctly; be sure it is protected when it is young. I will expand on all of these things.

Growing Trees for Shade

Growing Trees for Shade

If you are currently trying to plant trees in order to shade your garden, you will probably want something that grows very fast and provides plenty of shade. With the many types of trees available, you will have no problem finding a variety that will grow extremely fast and provide all the shade that your garden needs to survive. There are also many things you can do to

How to Safely Spray Pesticide

How to Safely Spray Pesticide

If you want to protect your fruit tree from pests during the summer, this is almost impossible to accomplish without the use of pesticides or chemicals. This might scare some people into thinking that the actual fruits will contain traces of the chemicals. If you do things correctly, you can get rid of all the pests and not infect the actual tree. If you’re going to

Finding Drought Resistant Trees

Finding Drought Resistant Trees

If you live in an area that is slightly parched of water, you know better than anyone that one of the things that decides whether a tree survives or not is your ability to supply it with sufficient water. Unfortunately, many people don’t take this in to account when buying a tree. They will just go for the nicest looking tree, and then wish they could give it more

How to Prevent Small Fruits

How to Prevent Small Fruits

The one thing that usually shocks new tree growers is the fact that the fruits produced by their tree are much smaller than the ones they’re used to seeing at the grocery store. “What is wrong with my tree?!”, “My God! What have I done!?” are some cried you may hear from the disgruntled tree grower. However, small fruits are a natural occurrence. But while smaller

Dealing with Bird Problems

Dealing with Bird Problems

If you are lucky enough to have a cherry tree in your yard, I am sure I don’t need to tell you how much enjoyment can come from them. Just eating the delicious cherries that spawned from your tree is a rewarding experience in itself. Looking out your back window and seeing a magnificent, glorious cherry tree is also rewarding. Most people are impressed just by the fact

Dealing with Moths

Dealing with Moths

Having a steady supply of fresh fruit from your backyard is quite a nice thing. Many people strive to attain this dream. However, many people fail to realize how easy it is to obtain a fairly serious infestation of worms in their fruit. I can’t think of anything more unpleasant than biting into an apple off of the tree you’ve slaved over for so long, only to find that you have

Different Types of Apple Trees

Different Types of Apple Trees

In the past, there have been only a couple different kinds of apple trees that you could buy. But now, thanks to the wonders of genetic engineering, if you want to buy an apple tree you are able to choose between many different types of apples and flavors. Here I will outline five different popular types of apples that you can consider for your first apple tree.

Caring Properly for your Fruit Tree

Caring Properly for your Fruit Tree

If you have just recently planted a new fruit tree, I think it is safe to assume you are not yet an expert on the subject. More fruit trees die in their beginning years due to poor care habits than any disease or pestilence. Therefore it is vital that you understand how to care for trees in a way that will ensure their immediate success as well as future good

Dealing with Barren Trees

Dealing with Barren Trees

One of the most frustrating things that can possibly happen to someone who has slaved for hours and hours in growing a fruit tree is the unexplainable barrenness that can sometimes occur when there should be a plethora of fresh fruit. I know this from experience. My neighbors all consider me the gardening guru because of my extensive knowledge. But this is only because

Eating And Exercise

Eating And Exercise

Anytime you exercise, you do so in order to try and
maintain good health. You also know that you have to
eat as well, so your body will have the energy it
needs to exercise and maintain for the everyday tasks
of life.  For making the best of your exercise, what
you eat before and after you workout is very important.

No matter if you are going to be doing a cardio
workout or

Exercise And Play

Exercise And Play

Often times, when children return from playing, they
look quite exhausted and ready for a nap.  This is
the most accurate description, and also quite the
truth, as playing is hard work.  It's exhausting to
the mind and body of the child, and it plays an
important role in helping them to become productive
and healthy.

The role of play and exercise in the life of a young

Exercise And Sleeping Better

Exercise And Sleeping Better

The amount of physical exercise that you exert during
the day is one of the key ingredients to helping you
get a good sleep at night.  The more active your
body is during the day, the more likely you are to
relax at night and fall asleep faster.

With regular exercise you'll notice that your quality
of sleep is improved and the transition between the
cycles and

Exercise And Stress

Exercise And Stress

Even though exercise may not be the most exciting
word in your vocabulary, it sure is a word with a
lot of benefits.  Participating in daily exercise
will not only make you healthier in general, but
it can also diminish the effects of stress on your
body as well.

Think about all the times you have heard someone
say "the doctor says it's stress related".  Normally

Chidren And Exercise

Chidren And Exercise

If you have a child of 6 to 8 years old that wants
to start exercising and lifting weights, you may
find yourself wondering what you should do.  While
some think it is perfectly fine for children to
exercise, there are others that think differently.

The long and short of it is that yes, it is
beneficial for your child to partake in exercise
or a weight training regimen

Exercise And Harm

Exercise And Harm

Anytime you exercise, your brain releases chemicals
known as endorphins that produce a feeling of euphoria,
which is known as "runners high", which is also very
easy to become chemically addicted to.

Without this rush, you'll feel irritable and out of
it until you exercise again.  Therefore, you'll go
on exercising and not listen to what your body is
actually telling you -

Exercise And Asthma

Exercise And Asthma

If you suffer from asthma, you probably think that you
can't exercise properly or safely.  Contrary to what
many think of this subject, there are ways that you
can get in shape and exercise, even if you suffer
from asthma.

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that is marked by
characteristics such as coughing, wheezing, shortness
of breath, and chest tightness.  Asthma tends to

Cardio Exercise

Cardio Exercise

Everyone has wondered at some point in time which
cardio exercise is better.  To put it in simple
terms, both low and high intensity exercises will
help you to burn off body fat.  The question here
is which is the most effective to burn off more
body fat. 

When scientists first discovered that during
intensive exercises, your body burns glycogen, which
is a form of stored

Choosing The Right Exercise For You

Choosing The Right Exercise For You

The type of exercise you do all depends on you and
what you like to do.  What you hate doing, paying
membership fees, and whether or not to buy equipment
are all things you need to consider as well as

If you choose something that you don't like to do,
you aren't going to keep doing it for a long period
of time.  Give it some thought - if you don't

Buying An All In One System

Buying An All In One System

These days, more and more people are turning away
from memberships to gyms and instead choosing to
invest money in a home gym.  You can put a home
gym in a spare corner of your home, or even in the
basement if you wish.  Along with helping you save
money by combining several different types of
equipment into one machine, these types of equipment
can easily fit in

Exercise And Your Complexion

Exercise And Your Complexion

As we all know and hear all the time, exercise can
do a body good.  It can help you to stay trim, tone
muscles, and help to boost energy as well.  What
you probably don't know, is the fact that exercise
can actually help you achieve the complexion that
you've always wanted.

It's true that regular exercise will nourish the
skin all over the body with fresh blood,

Exercise As Power Source

Exercise As Power Source

This day and age it can be very difficult indeed to
go to the gym.  Life is very hectic and busy, which
will create a serious challenge for remaining
consistent with exercise each day.  Exercise is
however, just what we all need to reduce stress,
and give the body the extra energy it needs to carry
out normal living.

The best results of exercise are achieved through

Exercise Back Pain Away

Exercise Back Pain Away

According to past research and studies, nearly 80%
of all Americans will experience some type of back
pain in their lives.  The American Academy of
Orthopedic Surgeons believes this as well, as they
say 80% of us out there will encounter some type of
problem with our back before we die.

Traditionally, the treatment for lower back pain is
increasing core strength to

Exercise At Home Or Gym

Exercise At Home Or Gym

Making the decision of where you will go to exercise
is a very important step in reaching your goals of
fitness.  A lot of factors will go into this
decision, and each one should be evaluated well
before you start exercising.  Once you have made
a decision on where you will go to exercise, you
can move on to deciding how you plan to work out.

As you probably know,

Exercise Balls

Exercise Balls

Exercise balls are one of the most innovative ways
to exercise.  These little balls will catch every
one's fancy due to their shape and very attractive
colors.  The real benefit of these balls, which
were introduced by a group of Swiss medical therapists,
is a substitute of support during exercise.

Working out with the exercise balls will strengthen
and tone all of the major

Exercise Bikes

Exercise Bikes

When you decide to purchase an exercise bike, you
should first find a place in your home where you
can place it.  Then, you'll need to think about
whether or not you want an upright exercise bike, a
semi recumbent bike, or a recumbent exercise bike.

Once you have made the decision of which type of
bike you want, check out the reviews that are
available in bike magazines and

Exercise For Diabetics

Exercise For Diabetics

The most common types of diabetes are known as Type
1 and Type 2.  The Type 1 diabetes, which is also
known as adolescent diabetes, differs from Type 2
in the sense that the body will stop producing
insulin altogether.  Type 2 diabetes is normally
diagnosed in older adults and occurs as the body
stops producing enough insulin or the individual
becomes resistant to their

Exercising During Pregnancy

Exercising During Pregnancy

Everyone knows that exercise is very good for your
health.  During pregnancy, exercise can have many
other benefits as well.  Normally, exercise should
be light, especially during your first few weeks
of pregnancy while your body adjusts to the changes.

Any type of heavy exercise can divert the blood
flow from crucial areas, and most women that exercise
on a regular

Exercising Properly

Exercising Properly

There are two main types of exercise that you can do -
aerobic and anaerobic.  The first one, aerobic, means
with oxygen.  Aerobic type exercise has an important
distinction, it burns fat as the main fuel. 

Anaerobic on the other hand, burns sugar as the
main source of fuel.  Despite common myths, exercise
doesn't have to be drastic in any way to provide
massive benefits. 

Free Weights VS Machine exercise

Free Weights VS Machine exercise

Something you need to keep in mind and never forget
is that when you exercise, you are training for
life.  You still may spend an hour a day in the
gym, although that will still leave another 23 hours
or so for your muscles to function without using
any fancy equipment.

Whenever you do any type of exercise, the movement
of your body during the exercise is known

Making Exercise More Fun

Making Exercise More Fun

Nothing beats waking up in the morning with the thought
of going to the gym to lift weights or jog on the
treadmill.  After a hard days work, the gym is one
place you don't even want to think about.  Sometimes,
even the thought of exercising at home with your own
equipment can be less than desirable. 

Sometimes, just trying to get and stay motivated to
exercise on a

Quit Smoking With Exercise

Quit Smoking With Exercise

When you decide to stop smoking, you'll bring on
other changes in your life as well.  Smoking is a
very addictive habit, meaning that it is very hard
to quit.  There are a lot of changes that take place,
although exercise can be a big help to you when you
decide to quit.

Try to set a new routine, such as working out or
going to the gym.  If that isn't possible, you

Reasons To Exercise

Reasons To Exercise

Many us need to follow an exercise program, in order
to remain healthy.  Below, you'll find several good
reasons why you should start exercising now.

1.  Contributes to fat loss
It is well proven from scientific research all over
the world that physical exercise contributes to
weight loss.  If you burn more calories than you
consume through nutrition, you'll lose weight. 

Water And Exercise

Water And Exercise

The human body is made up of over 75% of water, and
as we all know, we cannot live without water.  The
fact is, we can only survive for a total of 3 days
without water.  Water has however, been replaced in
most diets by soft drinks and other sugar sweetened
refreshments.  Keep in mind that water is a healthier
and necessary for leading yourself towards a better
health and

Alcohol And Exercise

Alcohol And Exercise

On Friday afternoon after you leave work, you probably
think about going out and having a few drinks with
friends to relax and wind down.  Even though you
may think you deserve to go out and have a few drinks,
there are some things that you should certainly keep
in mind.

Like any other day, tomorrow is going to be a day
for exercise, and since you are exercising on a

Anda Tidak Akan Percaya Terhadap Teori Evolusi Manusia Jika Melihat Foto-Foto Berikut Ini

Daniel Lee bukan seorang peneliti atau Pakar Evolusi, tapi dia punya ide tentang dari mana manusia berasal. Dia tidak berminat untuk menyerahkan hasil karyanya agar diteliti secara ilmiah.Karya fotografi berjudul "Origin" menampilkan asal muasal manusia dari seekor ikan Coelacanth yang berevolusi menjadi reptil, kera lalu manusia.Ilustrasi Teori Evolusi ManusiaGambar gabungan hasil

40 Manipulasi Photoshop yang Aneh dan Kocak

40 Manipulasi Photoshop yang Aneh dan KocakManipulasi photoshop adalah teknik mengedit gambar pada foto yang dilakukan melalui alat digital agar dihasilkan sebuah ilusi atau penipuan gambar. Software Photoshop adalah software yang sangat powerful, yang dapat menghasilkan hasil karya yang luar biasa sekaligus menyenangkan pada saat yang bersamaan. Berikut adalah beberapa koleksi

10 Lubang-Lubang Terbesar dan Menakjubkan di Muka Bumi

10 Lubang-Lubang Terbesar dan Menakjubkan di Muka Bumi 1. Chuquicamata, ChileChuquicamata adalah lubang galian tambang perunggu terbuka di Chili. Ini adalah tambang dengan total produksi tertinggi di dunia – walaupun ini bukan tambang perunggu terbesar. Tambang ini dalamnya 850 meter.2. Udachnaya Pipe, RussiaPipa Udachnaya adalah tambang berlian di Rusia. Pemilik tambang

Foto Cantik Model ini Berusia 12 Tahun

Foto Cantik Model ini Berusia 12 Tahun?? ini nemu di salah satu forum, masih 12 tahun kok udah keliatan dewasa banget ya.. apalagi liatnya bening banget sob :p... kali aja ada yg kenal kasih tau ane ya? hehehe Sumber

Dari depan Keren gan!! kalau dari samping?

Dari depan Keren gan!! kalau dari samping?Wah.. punya rumah kayak gini di desa udah cukup bagus dach..walau terkesan rada angker tapi coba diputer dulu , beberapa meter lah.yang di belakang..anchur.. sumber

10 Pesawat Pribadi Super Mewah

Tuhan tidak memberikan manusia sayap, tapi membekali manusia dengan ide bagaimana manusia agar dapat terbang. Dunia sudah mulai bergerak dengan kecepatan sangat cepat dan untuk menyesuaikan dengan gaya hidup ini, pesawat terbang telah menjadi sarana transportasi terbaik. Orang yang menjalankan bisnis yang luas, perlu melakukan perjalanan dari satu sudut planet ke sudut yang lain

Gunung-Gunung yang Disucikan di Dunia

Terdapat beberapa gunung yang disucikan di berbagai tempat. Hal ini dikarenakan sejarah maupun kepercayaan dari masyarakat sekitar yang mempercayai bahwa di gunung tersebut tempat tinggal para dewa maupun memiliki kekuatan magis tersendiri. Mari kita simak gunung-gunung yang disucikan dibawah ini. 1. Gunung Olimpus, Yunani Gunung ini merupakan tempat tinggal legendaris para dewa mitos

Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Read Naruto 541 Online - Page 1

NARUTO 541 │ BLEACH │ ONE PIECE Share your predictions, email ________________________________________________________________________Naruto 541 (English)CLICK Images to Read Online ______________________________________________________________________Status: PREDICTIONby: Jericho UzumakiNaruto 541: Family TiesAlso read the continuing chapter

Harga Flash Disk Transcend Sidik Jari JetFlash

Flash disk merupakan storage favorit pada saat ini. Namun barang tersebut gampang terselip serta hilang, padahal data yang ada di dalamnya kemungkinan benar-benar berharga bagi pemilik Flash Disk . Nah, supaya isi flash disk aman dari seseorang yang tidak berhak, Transcend mengimbuhkan sensor sidik jari dalam produk terbarunya.Baca selengkapnya »

Harga Dell Inspiron N14R N4110

Dell rilis notebook paling barunya Dell Inspiron N14R (N4110). Berupaya melaksanakan diferensiasi atas produk sejenis, Dell memberikan lid cover yang dapat dilepas-pasang maka kita dapat mengganti warna cover semaunya. Sayangnya, harga lid cover tersebut lumayan juga, kurang lebih 500ribuan.Baca selengkapnya »

Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

Arkeolog Temukan Tambang Baja Berusia 12 Ribu Tahun

Arkeolog Temukan Tambang Baja Berusia 12 Ribu Tahun - Para arkeolog telah menemukan sebuah tambang baja oksid berusia 12 ribu tahun di Chile, yang merupakan bukti tambang tertua yang pernah ditemukan. Laporan yang akan dipublikasikan dalam jurnal Current Anthropology menungkap bahwa tim peneliti yang dipimpin oleh Diego Salazar dari Universidad de Chile,

Katak-Katak yang Telah Lama Menghilang Akhirnya Ditemukan Lagi

Sejumlah spesies amfibi berstatus misterius. Mereka belum dinyatakan punah, tetapi juga tak menampakkan keberadaannya selama puluhan tahun. Sejumlah biolog melaksanakan ekspedisi ilmiah untuk mencari spesies amfibi yang "hilang" itu, misalnya di wilayah Kongo.Setelah melakukan ekspedisi selama dua tahun sejak tahun 2009, para ilmuwan menemukan lima jenis katak yang semuanya unik. Adanya

Dua Anak Sule Ikuti Bakat Sang Ayah

Dua Anak Sule Ikuti Bakat Sang Ayah Buah jatuh tidak jauh dari pohonnya. Mungkin itulah pepatah yang tepat untuk menggambarkan hubungan pelawak Sule dengan anaknya. Bakatnya menghibur dengan guyonan hangat, ternyata tidak jauh dengan dua anaknya yang juga kerap membuat orang tertawa."Kalau dilihat ada bakat. Yang anak pertama dan terakhir. Keberanian ada, bisa

cara mudah menyimpan uang untuk menabung

Mungkin Anda sudah berniat untuk menabung, tapi dipertengahan Anda tetap boros dan melupakan prinsip. Padahal menabung sangat penting untuk masa depan setiap orang.Pada prakteknya menabung sulit dilaksanakan. Mengapa? Alasannya pun beragam, mulai dari membeli barang yang tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan sampai alasan memiliki banyak utang.Kebiasan menabung memang harus konsisten dan Anda

Wah, Ini Tato Baru Justin Bieber

Wah, Ini Tato Baru Justin Bieber Bintang musik remaja, Justin Bieber memiliki beberapa tato baru. Tato-tato kecil itu tertangkap kamera ketika Bieber sedang bertelanjang dada dalam liburannya bersama pacarnya, artis belia Selena Gomez. Sesudah menerima delapan Billboard Awards 2011 di Las Vegas (Nevada, AS), Minggu (22/5/2011) malam waktu setempat, Bieber mengajak

Hooded Pitohui, Inilah Satu-Satunya Burung Beracun di Dunia

Hooded Pitohui, Inilah Satu-Satunya Burung Beracun di Dunia - Ternyata ada juga burung beracun di Bumi ini, konon katanya burung beracun ini hanya ada satu jenis di dunia yang bernama Hooded Pitohui. Burung Hooded Pitohui ditemukan di Papua Nugini, pertahanan mereka terhadap pemangsa yang walaupun sederhana tapi menakjubkan adalah mereka beracun. Pitohui memakan beberapa jenis kumbang

Canggih! Alat Ini Bikin Tangan Jadi Kendali Gadget (Foto & Video)

Awalnya kita perlu tombol, lalu beralih ke layar sentuh. Kini kita tak perlu perangkat itu semua, karena gadget bisa dikendalikan dari telapak tangan.Ilmuwan membuat alat yang memungkinkan pengguna ponsel mengoperasikan perangkat lain tanpa menyentuhnya. Teknologi ini menggunakan sensor cahaya guna mengawasi gerak tangan pengguna di telapak tangan dan meneruskannya ke layar ponsel sesuai

Ternak Lele Dengan Drum Plastik Lebih simple

Ternak lele dengan Drum Plastik Menantang Kondisi ekonomi saat ini haruslah lebih ulet dan berani mencoba segala usaha yang mungkin belum pernah terpikirkan sebelumnya oleh kita.Saya juga tidak pernah memiliki cita cita menjadi peternak lele.Tetapi tidak ada salahnya bila kita mencoba usaha untuk menambah penghasilan melalui ternak lele.Dipilih ternak lele karena :1. Biaya investasi murah2.

Cekidot Tulisan-tulisan di Balik Pintu WC Toilet Umum di Jamin Ngakak deh

Klik gambar kalau tulisannya kurang jelas ok

Read Naruto 540 Online - Page 1

NARUTO 540 │ BLEACH │ ONE PIECE CLICK Image to Read Online Share your predictions, email ________________________________________________________________________Naruto 540 (English)CLICK Images to Read Online ________________________________________________________________________Read This!! Another SPOOF From

Motorola Droid X Upgrade Gingerbread

Motorola belum lama ini mengkonfirmasi kedatangan update software buat Motorola Droid X. Sekarang, smartphone Android itu bisa mencicipi sistem operasi Android 2.3 Gingerbread. Pihak Verizon, yang menjadi operator rekanan bundling atas Motorola Droid X membagikan notifikasi pentingnya upgrade Gingerbread buat ponsel pintar itu. Diantaranya yaitu tambahan beberapa aplikasi memaku misalnya aplikasi

Paket Indosat Mobile Hidupkan Suksesmu

Indosat mobile merupakan paket layanan baru dari Indosat buat memanjakan pelanggan Indosat. Dari acara Indosat yang bertempat di Pacific Ballroom 1, The Ritz Carlton Jakarta, Indosat kembali meluncurkan layanan terbarunya dengan nama Indosat Mobile. Layanan yang menggunakan tagline Hidupkan Suksesmu tersebut dihadirkan Indosat buat mendukung mobilitas serta membagikan solusi bagi pelanggan, hal

Menyusui Pengaruhi Perilaku Anak

Menyusui Pengaruhi Perilaku Anak London (ANTARA News) - Bayi yang disusui oleh ibunya cenderung kurang memiliki masalah perilaku dibandingkan dengan bayi yang diberi susu formula, demikian hasil sebuah penelitian. Dengan menyusui, interaksi ibu dan anak dapat terjalin sejak dini secara intensif, berdasarkan hasil penelitian dari  Millenium Cohort Study, sebagaimana dikutip

Surga Tersembunyi Tanah Pasundan

Green Canyon berada di Cijulang, Jawa Barat, yang berjarak sekitar 285 km dari Jakarta (31 km dari Pantai Pangandaran).Tempat ini merupakan sekelompok gua, dengan stalagtit dan stalagmit yang tersembunyi di balik tebing-tebing hijau — mungkin itulah mengapa dinamakan Green Canyon, pelesetan dari Grand Canyon di Amerika Serikat. Orang setempat biasa menyebutnya Cukang Taneuh.Untuk menuju ke

Berikut adalah kumpulan kata mutiara islam, dan kata motivasi islam

Berikut adalah kumpulan kata mutiara islam, dan kata motivasi islam …- “Tiga manusia adalah sumber kebaikan: manusia yang mengutamakan diam (tidak banyak bicara), manusia yang tidak melakukan ancaman, dan manusia yang banyak berzikir kepada Allah.”- “Sesungguhnya puncak keteguhan adalah tawadhu’.” Salah seorang bertanya kepada Imam, “Apakah tanda-tanda tawadhu’ itu?” Beliau menjawab, “

Pengaruh Buruk Kematian Osama Bin Laden

Pengaruh Buruk Kematian Osama Bin LadenHarga minyak meningkat lagi setelah jatuh di bawah US$111 per barel di tengah berita pasukan Amerika Serikat berhasil menewaskan pemimpin al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden.Benchmark minyak untuk pengiriman Juni naik 24 sen menjadi US$114,17 per barel pada perdagangan Senin, 2 Mei, di New York Mercantile Exchange. Di London, minyak mentah Brent naik 48 sen

iPhone 5 Bakal Hadir Layar Melengkung

iPhone 5 bakal hadir layar melengkung lagi jadi bahan pembicaraan. Kabar burung tentang seputar desain baru dari iPhone generasi selanjutnya masih terus kian berlanjut. Sementara ini menurut beberapa sumber yang memang tidak terhitung jumlahnya dengan mengklaim bahwa iPhone 5 tersebut akan menjadi semacam upgrade tambahan seperti yang terjadi pada iPhone 3G ke iPhone 3GS. Baca selengkapnya »

Ternak Lele Dengan Drum Plastik

Ternak Lele Dengan Drum Plastik Ternak Lele Dengan Drum Plastik

Biawak Pohon Biru (Blue spotted monitor, Varanus macraei)

Biawak Pohon Biru (Blue spotted monitor, Varanus macraei) Biawak Blue-spotted (Varanus macraei) adalah jenis biawak yang memiliki ekor yang panjangnya hampir 2/3 dari total panjang tubuhnya. Tubuh blue-spotted monitor panjang, langsing & melebar, dan memiliki 5 buah jari kurus yang berkuku panjuang. Dikarenakan dimensi tubuh blue-spotted yang seperti itu, lehernya jadi terlihat

Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

Skid Loader

Skid Loader

The skid loader is a rigid frame, engine powered
machine with lift arms that are used to attach a
wide variety of labor saving tools or attachments.
Skid loaders are normally four wheel drive with
left side drive wheels that are independent of
right side drive wheels.  With each side being
independent to the other, the wheel speed and
direction of rotation of the wheels will

Trench Digging

Trench Digging

Digging trenches is one of the oldest types of work
with both construction and excavating.  Prior to World
War 2, trenches were dug by hand.  As workers dug the
trenches deeper, the sides needed to be shored or
supported, to keep the walls of the trench from caving

Following the World War, several innovations were made
in backhoes, and trench digging seemed to fade away

Trenching And Plowing Equipment

Trenching And Plowing Equipment

When trenchers were first introduced to the residential
and commercial contractors, they rapidly became the
backbone of the crew.  The time and labor trenchers
saved when they replaced the pick and shovel was
simply incredible.  The contractor was able to double
the number of jobs his crew could complete in the
same amount of time - or less.

The standard types of

Renting Versus Owning Equipment

Renting Versus Owning Equipment

There are always going to be times when, no matter
how carefully an excavation company plans out a
project, there simply isn't enough equipment on hand
to handle the requirements of the project without
running out of time.  The choices at this point are
clear - rent the machines you need or go ahead and
make the purchase.

It is however, not easy to make these

Operating A Backhoe Safely

Operating A Backhoe Safely

A skid steer loader with backhoe attachment or a backhoe
loader in general can be very productive if it is
operated safely and efficiently.  The best way to
get the job done safely and efficiently is to know
yourself, the job site, and your equipment.

Even though the models of backhoes will vary, there
are safety features with all of them that include
steps and grab

How The Equipment Has Changed

How The Equipment Has Changed

There are many different opinions as to what
machines should actually be classified as earth
moving equipment.  There are many different types
of equipment that fall in this category, such as
excavators, backhoe loaders, dump trucks, and
even loaders.

Other machinery that falls in between are articulated
trucks, wheel and track tractors, and even
scrapers.  The

Hydraulic Machinery

Hydraulic Machinery

Hydraulic machinery are machines and tools that use
fluid power to do the work.  Almost all types of
heavy equipment is a common example.  With this type
of equipment, hydraulic fluid is pumped to a high
pressure then transmitted through the machine to
various actuators. 

The hydraulic pumps are powered by engines or electric
motors.  The pressurized fluid is controlled by



The harvester is a type of heavy machinery that is
employed in cut to length logging operations for
felling, buckling, and cutting up trees. Normally,
a harvester is employed alongside a forward that
will haul the logs and trees to a roadside landing.

Harvesters were developed in Sweden and Finland,
and today they do nearly all of the commercial
felling in these countries.  They work

Front Loader

Front Loader

Also known as a front end loader, bucket loader,
scoop loader, or shovel, the front loader is a type
of tractor that is normally wheeled and uses a
wide square tilting bucket on the end of movable
arms to lift and move material around.

The loader assembly may be a removable attachment
or permanently mounted on the vehicle.  Often times,
the bucket can be replaced with other



Sometimes called a forklift truck, the forklift is
a powerful industrial truck that is used to lift
and transport material by steel forks that are
inserted under the load.  Forklifts are commonly
used to move loads and equipment that is stored on
pallets.  The forklift was developed in 1920, and
has since become a valuable piece of equipment in
many manufacturing and warehousing



Excavation is most commonly and best known for a
technique within the science of archaeology.  The
individual types of excavation are known simply
as digs to those who participate, with this being
an over literal description of the process.  An
excavation concerns itself with a specific
archaeological site or connected series of sites,
and may be carried on over a number of years,

Easy Site Prep

Easy Site Prep

Site prep is the best term that is used to describe
the operations necessary to make raw land ready
to accept improvements such as buildings, parking
lots, roads, and other amenities.  Once the project
has been completed, the site prep is invisible.

The term site prep is a broad term that can include
several different tasks, such as clearing and
grubbing, soil erosion, sediment

Dump Truck

Dump Truck

Dump trucks or production trucks are those that are
used for transporting loose material such as sand,
dirt, and gravel for construction.  The typical dump
truck is equipped with a hydraulically operated open
box bed hinged at the rear, with the front being
able to be lifted up to allow the contents to fall
out on the ground at the site of delivery.

Dump trucks come in many different

Drag Line Excavator

Drag Line Excavator

Drag line excavator systems are heavy machinery that
is used in civil engineering, surface mining, and
excavation.  With civil engineering, the smaller
types are used for road and port construction.  The
larger types of drag line excavators are used in
strip mining operations to extract coal.  These are
among the largest types of mobile equipment and
weigh upwards of 10,000



A crane is a tower or derrick that is equipped with
cables and pulleys that are used to lift and lower
material.  They are commonly used in the construction
industry and in the manufacturing of heavy equipment.
Cranes for construction are normally temporary
structures, either fixed to the ground or mounted
on a purpose built vehicle. 

They can either be controlled from an operator in

Different Types Of Backhoe Loaders

Different Types Of Backhoe Loaders

Caterpillar hit a dial of power and performance with
its top of the line 446 backhoe loader when it first
introduced the D series version of the machine.  The
102 HP machine also features a new operator station
and offers optional joystick controls.  The dig
forces on the bucket have increased 10% on the

Bobcat gave its compact

Comparing Trenchers To Compact Excavators

Comparing Trenchers To Compact Excavators

Both of these machines are affordable, popular,
highly productive, and they both have helped lay a
lot of cable and pipe in the ground.  While they
both can do the work, there are differences as
to how they perform when stacked up against each
other in residential utility installations.

Size and price
The average dig depth for utility installations in

Compact Excavator

Compact Excavator

The compact hydraulic excavator can be a tracked or
wheeled vehicle with an approximate operating weight
of 13,300 pounds.  Normally, it includes a standard
backfill blade and features an independent boom
swing.  The compact hydraulic excavator is also
known as a mini excavator.

A compact hydraulic excavator is different from other
types of heavy machinery in the sense that

Caterpillar D Series

Caterpillar D Series

The CAT (Caterpillar) 420D and 430D backhoe loaders
are the high performance machines in the D series
lineup.  The 420D boasts 85 HP and a backhoe digging
depth of 14 feet when equipped with a standard

The 430D offers 94 HP and a backhoe digging depth
of 15 feet when it is equipped with a standard
stick.  By using an extendible stick, you can
push the digging

Caterpillar Equipment

Caterpillar Equipment

Caterpillar Incorporated, also known as CAT is a
United States based corporation that is based in
Peoria, Illinois.  The company commonly known as CAT
is known around the world as the largest manufacturer
of construction and mining equipment, diesel and
natural gas engines, and industrial gas turbines.

Well known and famous for their products that feature
the Caterpillar

Case CX330

Case CX330

As you may know, the CX330 is the upgrade to the
9050B model from Case.  The CX330 is quite an upgrade,
being much bigger than the 9050B. 

In standard form, the CX330 is almost 5,000 pounds
heavier than the 9050B.  This added weight comes
from a larger counterweight and from a redesigned
carbody that will now completely enclose the swing

These added pounds will also

Caterpillar D-11

Caterpillar D-11

The D-11 from Caterpillar is among the series of
tracked type tractors are among the largest
conventional bulldozers in the world, second to the
Komatsu D575.  It comes in two variations, the
standard D-11R and the bigger and heavier D-11R CD.

The D-11 bulldozer is among the upper end of
Caterpillars track type tractors, which range in
power and size from the D-3 (77 HP) to

Backhoe Loader

Backhoe Loader

Also referred to as a loader backhoe, the backhoe
loader is an engineering and excavation vehicle that
consists of a tractor, front shovel and bucket and
a small backhoe in the rear end.  Due to the small
size and versatility, backhoe loaders are common
with small construction projects and excavation type

Originally invented in Burlington Iowa back in 1857,
the backhoe



The bulldozer is a very powerful crawler that is
equipped with a blade.  The term bulldozer is often
used to mean any type of heavy machinery, although
the term actually refers to a tractor that is fitted
with a dozer blade.

Often times, bulldozers are large and extremely
powerful tracked vehicles.  The tracks give them
amazing ground mobility and hold through very rough

Case CX700 And CX330

Case CX700 And CX330

The company of Case has done it again, by introducing
yet another spectacular excavator, the CX700, which
weighs in at 70 metric tons and represents a new
size for Case, fitting perfectly between the CX460
and CX800 models.  Case has also taken advantage of
Tier 3 technologies and upgraded the CX330, increasing
the power and improving fuel economy, all while adding

You Can Sell Anything on eBay – Or Can You?

You Can Sell Anything on eBay – Or Can You?

Over 100 million people are members of eBay.
Through eBay, you can buy items in almost any
category that you can imagine – at great prices.
You can also sell almost anything you can
imagine on eBay – people often sell items that have
absolutely no real value for very high prices. There
are limits, however, to what can be bought and sold.


Using the eBay Security and Resolution Center

Using the eBay Security and Resolution Center

Whether you are an eBay buyer or a seller, problems
may arise at some point. That is why the eBay
Security and Resolution Center was created. Even
if you have never had a problem on eBay, and you
don’t expect to, a visit to this eBay resource can be
very enlightening, and it may even help you to
protect yourself in all of your online activities

The eBay Trading Assistants Program

The eBay Trading Assistants Program

If you excel at eBay auctions, you might want to
consider an additional source of revenue as well. The
eBay Trading Assistant Program will allow you to
sell items for other eBay members on consignment.
Being successful at your own auctions is the key
to becoming a successful trading assistant for other

Often, newcomers simply don’t know how to

The eBay Item Listing Rules

The eBay Item Listing Rules

Because eBay is such a huge marketplace, with
members from all walks of life, in almost every single
country around the world, it is no wonder that there
are many scammers lurking about. In order to better
protect the buyers, eBay has specific rules
concerning the items that can be auctioned off on
the site. These rules must be followed, or the
person posting

The eBay Shipping Center

The eBay Shipping Center

eBay wants to help sellers with every aspect of their
eBay business. The eBay shipping center was
created to help ensure that you get your items to
your customers in a timely manner, in the most
efficient and economical way possible.

The eBay shipping center will help you print shipping
labels, help you figure shipping costs, and even help
you with International

Shipping eBay Items to Customers

Shipping eBay Items to Customers

If you stock the products that you sell on eBay, as
opposed to drop shipping, you probably spend a
great deal of time and money shipping items to your
customers. If you are a big success on eBay, this
could quickly become a problem. Organize your
shipping practices before they get out of control!

Keep stamps, packing materials, and boxes on
hand. You can

How to Use the Promotional Tools on eBay

How to Use the Promotional Tools on eBay

eBay wants you to be successful. Essentially, if
their sellers are not making any money, eBay is
not making any money – or not enough money.
eBay does have one other very small source of
revenue, which comes from the sellers. This revenue
is realized from the promotional tools that actually
help you, as a seller, have more successful auctions.


Increase Your eBay Profits Without Relying on eBay!

Increase Your eBay Profits Without Relying on

While it is possible to earn a full time living on eBay,
it is a mistake to depend solely on eBay for your
income. You could be using your eBay auctions to
generate a huge amount of business for other
products and services! Many people, however,
fail to fully utilize eBay’s resources to this end.

eBay has over 100 million members, and

How to Use eBay Escrow Services

How to Use eBay Escrow Services

If you buy or sell big ticket items on eBay, you need
to know about the available escrow services. An
escrow service is designed to protect buyers and
sellers from being ripped off. The funds for the sale
go to the escrow service, and then the seller ships
the item to the buyer. Once the item has been
received, the funds are released from the escrow

How to Sell Expensive Items on eBay

How to Sell Expensive Items on eBay

Selling expensive items on eBay is really no different
than selling low cost items. Essentially, no matter
what you are selling, it all comes down to how you
market the item. This doesn’t mean you have to
surf around the Internet placing ads here and there –
when it comes to eBay auctions, the marketing is
all done at the eBay website. Basically, when

How to Find Great Deals at eBay

How to Find Great Deals at eBay

Everyone loves a great deal! Many people spend
quite a bit of time searching for good deals on the
items that they want and need – and when they find
those deals, they experience a certain amount of
satisfaction. These people typically haunt garage
sales, stores that are holding sales, wholesale
warehouses, flea markets, and especially online
and offline

How to Avoid Failure on Your eBay Auctions

How to Avoid Failure on Your eBay Auctions

Many first time sellers have one thing in common –
they fail. Many of them fail time and time again,
never understanding what is going wrong. They do
hours of research looking for the perfect item to sell,
get the auction set up, and wait for the bidding to
begin. Hours go by and no bids are placed. Days go
by, and there are still no bids – or

How to Avoid Losing to eBay Snipers

How to Avoid Losing to eBay Snipers

Sniping occurs when a bid is about to end. Some
yahoo rushes in and bids a little higher than the
highest bid as the clock runs out of time – winning
the bid. Sniping is against the rules at eBay, but it
doesn’t slow the snipers down! In most cases, even
if you report it, the sniper will get away with it, and
you will have lost the item that you wanted

How to Avoid eBay Scams and Fraud

How to Avoid eBay Scams and Fraud

Countless people have been scammed and
defrauded on eBay. eBay is a fun place to bid on
items and to sell items – but you must know how to
recognize a scam, and how to avoid them, them or
you quickly join the ranks of those who have lost
their money to eBay scams. Of course, if you are
scammed, there are some actions you can take the
correct the situation

Getting Started on eBay

Getting Started on eBay

You’ve probably heard about how much money can
be made on eBay. With dreams of quick riches and
easy money, you are probably ready to jump in with
both feet – right now! The best thing you can do if
you are serious about making money with eBay,
however, is to slow down. In fact, just stop for a
minute. Don’t rush straight in. Take your time, and
do it right.


Hot Selling Items for eBay Auctions

Hot Selling Items for eBay Auctions

Many people who are trying to start an eBay
business spend a great deal of time trying to figure
out which items sell the best on eBay. Many of these
 people have elaborate systems for determining this
information, and many others purchase expensive
courses that teach them how to find this information
as well. None of that is necessary. Everything you

eBay University – What Is It All About?

eBay University – What Is It All About?

eBay University is the learning program that eBay
established to help people become successful eBay
merchants. For convenience, eBay classes are held
in many locations throughout the United States, and
classes may also be completed from home, using
your computer.

You should note that all of the information you will
learn through eBay University can

eBay Scams – Steps to Take if You Have Been Defrauded

eBay Scams – Steps to Take if You Have Been

eBay is a relatively safe marketplace. Unfortunately,
like most online marketplaces, it is vulnerable to
scams. eBay tries to keep instances of scams
occurring, but with more than 100 million members,
and approximately $40 million moving through the
site on a daily basis, this can be a little difficult.
Sometimes, scams occur.

If you

eBay Success - How to Price Your Items

eBay Success - How to Price Your Items

Many new sellers don’t realize how important pricing
is when it comes to eBay auctions. Many don’t even
realize that ‘pricing’ needs to be done. eBay is an
auction site after all! But eBay auctions are not quite
the same as the auctions you attend in the offline
world. In fact, quite a bit of work goes into
determining and setting prices.


eBay Gift Certificates – The Gift Solution Suitable for Everyone

eBay Gift Certificates – The Gift Solution Suitable for

We all know one. There is at least one in every
family, and one in every circle of friends. There is
even one in every office! There is always that one
person that you know who is absolutely impossible
to buy a gift for! These people either have everything,
or want nothing. They don’t drop hints at all, and
when asked, they

eBay Data and Research – How Important Is It?

eBay Data and Research – How Important Is It?

eBay is a business anyway you look at it. Sure, it is
a great deal of fun for both the buyers and sellers,
but when you look at it from another view point, you
will see that it is a business from the seller’s point
of view, the buyer’s point of view, and eBay’s point
of view. 40 million dollars a day travels through eBay.
Selling items on eBay

eBay Courses – Are They Worth It?

eBay Courses – Are They Worth It?

There are numerous eBay courses that are available
on the Internet today. These books and courses are
designed to help you become more successful on
eBay. Unfortunately, not all of these courses are
worth the money that you will pay for them. Some of
them are full of what used to be good information –
when it was relevant – and others are simply junk

eBay and Customer Service

eBay and Customer Service

If you are running an eBay business, you may not
realize that the need for great customer service still
exists – even for online auctions. When a buyer
receives quality customer service from you, they
will potentially do one of two things – or both. They
will give you great feedback, and they may look for
more of your auctions in the future. If you hope to
make a

eBay Business Solutions

eBay Business Solutions

If starting an eBay business is your goal, as
opposed to just auctioning a few items off for some
extra cash, you need to use the eBay business
solutions that are available to you. Because eBay’s
success depends on the success of its sellers,
they strive to help you at every turn. eBay Business
Solutions is the key to starting an eBay business.

eBay Stores is one of

eBay and Drop shipping – Getting the Product to Your Customer

eBay and Drop shipping – Getting the Product to
Your Customer

If you hope to own an eBay business, and make a
full time living at it, you can easily make that dream
come true – even if you don’t have a product of your
own to sell. eBay provides many people who want to
quit their corporate nine-to-five jobs with a way to
make a good living, without having to put up a lot of
start up

Harga LG Genesis Ponsel Android 2 Layar Sentuh

LG selaku vendor smartphone sekarang kian berkibar saja. Bagaimana enggak, sesudah LG sukses memasarkan ponsel dengan beraneka ragam seri. Saat ini, satu ponsel Android paling baru LG hasil kerja samanya dengan US Cellular, yaitu LG Genesis a.k.a US760 bakal kembali hadir buat bersaing dengan para kompetitornya yang ada di Amerika.Baca selengkapnya »

HTC Holiday Ponsel Android Dual Core 1.2 GHz

High Tech Computer (HTC) kali kembali diberitakan bahwa HTC sedang merencanakan senjata barunya yaitu pada pada segmen ponsel pintar. Untuk kali ini drnjata yang dibuat adalah HTC Holiday yang merupakan smartphone canggih yang memakai platform operasi sistem Android.Baca selengkapnya »

Harga BlackBerry Curve 8520 Liquid Blue

BlackBerry sekarang ini sedang memperkenalkan varian warna terbaru untuk BlackBerry Curve 8520, yaitu Liquid Blue. BlackBerry Curve 8520 dirilis dengan memberikan kemudahan dalam pemakaian serta akses ke beraneka ragam website jejaring sosial, termasuk website jejaring sosial terpopuler, misalnya BBM, Facebook® dan Koprol. Baca selengkapnya »

Disneyland Purchases – Package Express

Disneyland Purchases – Package Express

One of the nice guest service features at Disneyland
is the Package Express service. This will allow you
to make purchases, and not have to carry them
around with you all day! Can you imagine trying to
hold all of your packages, your kids, and ride the

Instead, have your purchases sent to the Newsstand,
which is located near the exit. This

Where Are The Disneyland Characters?

Where Are The Disneyland Characters?

A Disneyland vacation would not be complete
without the Characters that we all know and love so
well. Often, however, people leave Disneyland
disappointed – simply because they never found
their favorite character. The key to finding the
characters you love is in knowing where to look for
them in the first place.

Start with the Character Breakfast.

Ocracoke Island Vacation

Ocracoke Island Vacation

Accessible by only ferry, private boat, or by air,
Ocracoke Island seems to make time stand still on
it's 16 mile island.  What really makes this island
special is that over three quarters of it is protected
Cape Hatteras National Seashore property.

Within Ocracoke Island North Carolina, there are
many different houses, schools, parks, and numerous
boat ramps and places

Tips for Planning a Disneyland Vacation

Tips for Planning a Disneyland Vacation

For many people, planning a Disneyland Vacation
is part of the fun of the vacation itself! For others,
however, it can be a headache. Before you start
planning your vacation, determine whether or not you
are really up to planning the trip yourself or not.

If you don’t want to plan your own trip, you have
several options. Of course, you can have a

When Is The Best Time To Be At Disneyland?

When Is The Best Time To Be At Disneyland?

When you are planning your Disneyland vacation,
you should note that some days are better than,
others at the park. The days that you choose to be
there will depend greatly on whether you are more
interested in attractions or entertainment – or both.

For instance, Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s, and
Thursday’s are the days when you will have shorter l

Take a Disneyland Tour

Take a Disneyland Tour

No Disneyland Vacation can be complete without a
Disneyland tour – especially if it is your first trip to
Disneyland. There are currently four different tours
to choose from, and Disneyland park admission is
required for all tours. It is strongly advised that you
make a reservation for the tours that you wish to go

Disneyland’s Discover the Magic Tour may be the

Start Your Day At Disneyland in Fantasyland

Start Your Day At Disneyland in Fantasyland

Any guidebook you read will tell you that you should
begin your day at Disneyland enjoying the attractions
found in Fantasyland. There are several important
reasons as to why this advice is given, and it is
advice that you should strongly consider following.

Fantasyland is one of the most popular areas at
Disneyland because there are no age or

The Disneyland Hotel

The Disneyland Hotel

For the ultimate Disneyland vacation, you should
definitely stay at the Disneyland Resort Hotel. With
990 rooms in three high rise towers, this is the
original Disney Hotel, located in Downtown Disney.
If you want to truly experience all that Disneyland
has to offer, you must stay at the Disneyland Resort

The guest rooms in the Disneyland Hotel are

How to Avoid Long Lines at Disneyland

How to Avoid Long Lines at Disneyland

One source of frustration for many visitors at
Disneyland is the long lines for the rides. You can
literally spend several hours of the day standing in
line to ride popular attractions. These lines can be
avoided in one of three ways.

Get to the park early. The lines are shorter in the
morning when the park first opens. Instead of
jumping in line for

How to Dine With Disneyland Characters

How to Dine With Disneyland Characters

If you really want to delight your child – or yourself –
you should arrange to have a Disneyland Character
meal. This will allow you and your whole family to
have quality time with one or more of the
Disneyland characters. In fact, this is the best
way to really get to interact with them for any
length of time.

Start by making a reservation. This can

Pamper Yourself at Disneyland

Pamper Yourself at Disneyland

You may think that Disneyland is only about fun,
excitement, and activity – but you would be wrong.
Disneyland is also about relaxation and pampering.
The pampering you receive at Disneyland may not
be the same that you would receive at a world class
spa, but it is relaxing and makes you feel special
just the same.

The easiest way to get pampered on your

Personal Comfort at Disneyland

Personal Comfort at Disneyland

There is no better way to ruin your Disneyland
vacation than trying to walk around with blisters on
your feet! It is vitally important that you wear
comfortable shoes that are already broken in. You
will be doing more walking than you normally would
when you visit Disneyland.

It is also important that you bring a change of
clothing. You can rent a locker at

Family Reunions at Disneyland

Family Reunions at Disneyland

Everyone looks forward to family reunions – and who
doesn’t love Disneyland? You can bring the two
together by having your family reunion at the happiest
place on earth. It is really easier than you might think
to arrange this!

Start by calling the Disneyland Vacation Planning
Services Department. Let them help you book rooms
at the Resort hotels, and

Getting Around Disneyland with Your Toddler or Baby

Getting Around Disneyland with Your Toddler or

As a parent, you already know that you don’t want
to have to carry your child around in your arms all
day. You couldn’t possibly make it through the day!
You also can’t expect your child to walk all day long.
The obvious choice is to have a way to transport your
child – without wearing you or the child completely

Strollers are not

Disneyland Weddings

Disneyland Weddings

Your wedding day is the happiest day of your life.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have the happiest day of
your life at the happiest place on earth? Of course it
would – and Disneyland has made that possible with
Disneyland Weddings.

Women start dreaming of their weddings from the
time that they are little girl’s. Now, you can really
have a fairy tale wedding that is

Get More Out of Your Disneyland Vacation With FastPass

Get More Out of Your Disneyland Vacation With

You don’t want to spend your entire Disneyland
Vacation standing in long lines. This can be avoided
by using Disneyland FastPass. FastPass can be
obtained from machines located near the rides that
accept FastPass. This doesn’t mean that you get to
immediately move to the front of the line. It is more
like scheduling an appointment for

Entertainment at Disneyland

Entertainment at Disneyland

There is always something to see or do at
Disneyland, but Disneyland adds to this with nightly
entertainment during the peak season, and weekend
entertainment during the off-season. There is also
special entertainment during special occasions, such
as the Fourth of July and Christmas.

Fantasmic is held twice each night during the peak
season, and on weekends

Disneyland Vacations for Toddlers

Disneyland Vacations for Toddlers

Disneyland was designed for kids of all ages – and
toddlers are no exception! There are many things
that you can enjoy with your toddler – so many
things in fact, that unless you will be staying for
several days, you won’t have time to do them all.

Start with Toon Town. Here is where you will find
your toddler’s favorite Disney Characters, including

Disneyland Baby Centers

Disneyland Baby Centers

Disneyland is a place for everyone, and at
Disneyland, they have thought of everything –
including the babies. The Disneyland Baby Center
is located on Main Street, behind the Plaza Inn.
This is not a babysitting service. Instead, it is a place
where you can attend to your babies needs.

There are several characters present in this area,
and their purpose there is

Disneyland Ticket Security

Disneyland Ticket Security

You must have your Disneyland ticket in order to
enter the park. You must also have the ticket to get
FastPass tickets. Because this ticket is so
important, it needs to be kept in a safe place. Along
with the Disneyland ticket, you also need a safe
place to keep money or the Disneyland Merchandise

A wallet or purse is not very practical at Disneyland.

Disneyland Surprises For Yourself and Loved Ones

Disneyland Surprises For Yourself and Loved Ones

If you would like to surprise someone who will be
traveling with you to Disneyland, you can easily do
this by using the Disneyland Vacation Planning
Service. This service has many different services that
can be performed for you, but one of the best ones is
the Surprise service.

Simply contact the Vacation Planning department,
and tell them

Disneyland and Disabilities

Disneyland and Disabilities

Even if you are confined to a wheelchair or on
crutches, you can still enjoy Disneyland. If you are
on crutches, you should consider renting a
Disneyland Scooter to get around the park. The
rental fee is $35 per day, with a $20 deposit. A valid
driver’s license is required, and you must be
eighteen years old or older.

You can also choose to rent a wheelchair,

Disney Dollars and Disneyland Merchandise Cards

Disney Dollars and Disneyland Merchandise Cards

When it comes to kids and money, we all know what
happens. The money either gets spent the wrong way,
or it gets lost. With Disney Dollars and Disneyland
Merchandise cards, you may be able to cut down on
some of this.

Disney Dollars work just like cash at Disneyland.
They can be used anywhere in the park, and at
certain hotels. They can even

Disneyland Magic Music Days

Disneyland Magic Music Days

Disneyland has always contributed to the education
of young people in one way or another. This tradition
is continued with the Disneyland Magic Music Days
program, which is an educational program for
students of music, vocal arts, or dance.

Your group has the opportunity to showcase your
talent and to improve even more in a setting that
promotes learning – and

Celebrate Birthdays At Disneyland

Celebrate Birthdays At Disneyland

If you want to celebrate your birthday, or the birthday
of a child at Disneyland, you can easily do this – and
it doesn’t even have to be done on the exact date of
birth! Start celebrating by going to City Hall, which is
located in Town Square, upon your arrival to
Disneyland. Here, you will receive a Birthday Sticker
or button. This sticker tells everyone

Christmas at Disneyland

Christmas at Disneyland

Christmas is one of the happiest times of the year
for a child. Spending the happiest time of the year,
at the happiest place on earth, could be a dream
that comes true for many children and adults.
Christmas at Disneyland is an experience that will
never be forgotten, and can never be matched.

Disneyland works to make Christmas very special.
Santa’s Reindeer

Why You Should Choose Diesel

Why You Should Choose Diesel

The major distinction between diesel and gas lies in
the type of ignition.  While gas engines operate on
spark ignition, diesel engines employ compression
ignition for igniting the fuel.  With compression, the
air is drawn into the engine and subjected to high
compression that heats it up.  The result is a very
high temperature in the engine, much high than that

Industrial Diesel Engines

Industrial Diesel Engines

Industrial diesel engines are any engines that are used
for industrial purposes that run on diesel.  Industrial
diesel engines are used to power a major portion of
industrial machinery, from motorbikes to bulldozers,
generators, and even forklifts and trucks.  They range
in size from a few pounds to a few tons, with a various
amount of power. 

The use of diesel

Why People Use Diesel

Why People Use Diesel

With diesel engines, the compression ratio is higher
and there is more power.  From a technical point, the
compression ratio of an engine is the comparison of the
total volume of the cylinder at the bottom of the
piston's stroke divided by the volume of the cylinder
remaining at the top of the stroke.

Gasoline ratios
Serious damage to gas engines can occur if you attempt

Most Fuel Efficient Vehicles

Most Fuel Efficient Vehicles

Most efficient overall - Honda Insight hybrid
With 60 mpg city and 66 mpg highway, the Honda hybrid
has top honors as most fuel efficient in the United
States.  With a 1.0 gas engine mated to an electric
motor, the insight was designed to make the most
of the power by using low resistance tires.  The
bad things about the Insight include a cramped
interior, seating

General Information On Diesel Engines

General Information On Diesel Engines

Diesel engines offer the lowest specific fuel usage
of any other large internal combustion engine.  The
fact remains, two-stroke diesels with high pressure
forced induction, particularly turbo charging, make
up a large percentage of the largest diesel engines.

Throughout North America, diesel engines are generally
used in larger trucks, where the low

How Diesel Engines Work

How Diesel Engines Work

When gas is compressed, the temperature of it will rise,
with diesel engines using this very property to ignite
the fuel.  Air is then drawn into the cylinder and
compressed by the rising piston at a much high
compression ratio than gas engines, up to 25:1, with
the air temperature reaching 700 - 900 degrees C.

At the top of the piston stroke, the diesel fuel is

Hydrogen Boosted Gas Engines

Hydrogen Boosted Gas Engines

With the ever increasing cost of gasoline prices,
auto makers are having to work overtime to cost
effictively improve the fuel economy, while still
meeting the strict emission requirements of today
with gasoline engines.

One ideal and promising way to boost the fuel
economy of gas engines is to add hydrogen to the
fuel/air mixture in the engine.  Since hydrogen

Gas Versus Diesel

Gas Versus Diesel

Due to the high compression ratios and resulting
high cylinder pressure in diesel engines, they
must be built to withstand a lot more punishment
than gas engines.  The parts that are spruced up
include a thicker block and cylinder heads,
pistons, crankshaft, and valves, which can be
very costly indeed.

When it comes to the price, gas wins this one by
far.  Diesel costs a

Gas VS Diesel Boats

Gas VS Diesel Boats

As you may know, diesel engines aren't something
you should take lightly.  There are good reasons
why the rush to put them in cars back in the 70s
flopped.  Diesel isn't the ideal power source for
all applications. 

Engine speed
Diesel engines gained the reputation for long
service life early on in the history of the
engines, mainly from engines that were used in

Gas Saving Tips

Gas Saving Tips

Are you tired of the continuing rise in gasoline price?
If you are, you're not alone.  In this article, you'll
find a few excellent tips designed to help you save
a bit of your hard earned money.

First, its always best to purchase your gas either
first thing in the morning or late at night.  The
reason for this is because gas is denser at a cold
temperature, so you'll basically

Gas Tractor Versus Diesel Tractor

Gas Tractor Versus Diesel Tractor

There are many different reasons as to why a diesel
compact tractor is superior to a gasoline garden

First of all, the diesel engine doesn't have the
parts that normally wear out or give problems.  There
are no spark plugs, rotors, points, or distributor
caps like the garden tractor.  There is no carburetor
either, that will gum up and be hard to

Gas Trucks Versus Diesel Trucks

Gas Trucks Versus Diesel Trucks

If you plan to use your truck like a car, desiring
quick, quiet acceleration and rarely ever haul a
heavy load and don't plan to it for a long time,
you may want a gasoline engine.  Gas engines run
smoother, fuel is easier to find, and gas
engines start easier in cold weather.

If you plan to use your truck for towing, value
good fuel economy and plan to put

Gasoline Engines

 Gasoline Engines

Gas engines are known as internal combustion engines
and are divided into two general classes, specifically
two cycle and four cycle engines.  A cycle of an
engine represents one stroke of the piston or one
half revolution of the crank shaft, as a complete
revolution represents two cycles. With a two cycle
engine, the power impulse occurs at each revolution,
while with four

Diesel Versus Spark Engine Ignition

Diesel Versus Spark Engine Ignition

As you may already be aware of, diesel engines are
more efficient than gasoline engines of the same
power, resulting in much lower fuel usage.  For an
efficient turbo diesel, the average is 40% more miles
per gallon.  The higher compression ratio with
diesel engines help to raise efficiency, but diesel
fuel also contains around 15% more energy per unit